Monday 22 March 2010

Monday 22nd

We started off today by annotating an article Pete had written for Media Magazine on the OCR Media A2 critical perspectives exam (the same exam we are making our paper for and taking in the summer.

here is a picture of what we were doing, we baisicly highighted/underlined/circled the Key points of the article, thinks like titles, crossheads, strap lines, layout, different fonts etc etc. we then discussed what we liked and disliked and what we thought would be good to bring to our paper.

After that, in our groups we wrote up questions for a questionairre we were going to have filled out by the year 12 Level 3 students.

The questions my group asked were

  1. Do you use Wikipedia as a research tool? (if so is it more for college work or personal use)
  2. Have you ever edited a Wikipedia page before (if so was it for fun, to sabotage or for a genuine pupose)
  3. Are you part of an online gaming comunity? ( if so which)
  4. Do you own any games consoles? (if so which)

These questions were designed to try and help us with our articles but i feel questionaires in genral arn't very useful, to gain enough information for them to make any real impact they need to be fairly lengthy and be very carefully thought out and we just didn't have enough time for this sadly

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